The rules for Passwords are:
1. At least eight characters long.
2. At least one capital letter.
3. At least one small letter.
4. At least one numeral.
No two letters next to each other in the password that are in your
login that begins with “cph.” (e.g. If you login is cphwcordrey, you
cannot use Cobalt123, Dreadlocks245, Reader492, Organ391, etc. as
passwords because they contain two letters next to each other that are
also in the login).
6. OPTIONALLY, you may use any of the characters
on the top row of numeral keys above the numerals and you may also use
the underscore symbol on the hyphen key.
The rules for Browser Requirements are:
eSchoolPlus v3.1
Teacher Access Center and Home Access Center
Internet Explorer - 9 or 10
Firefox - latest 5 versions
Savari - 5.1.7
Chrome - latest 5 versions
eSchoolPlus v 4.0
All Browsers
All Devices